Welcome to sound-medicine.com where Sound Medicine, LLC offers self-help tools and products intended for stress management and overall health and well-being. This Disclaimer contains important information to share with you and for you to understand. Please be advised of the following:
The information contained on this website, including ideas, music tracks, podcasts, videos, audios, tune-in blog posts, meditations, social media postings, articles, research, resources, publications, events, and other materials, is educational in nature and is provided only as general information and is not medical or psychological advice.
You understand that by viewing this website you will be introduced to binaural beats music, as formulated and curated by Elizabeth Krasnoff, PhD which she identifies as Sound Medicine® (hereinafter referred to as “Sound Medicine”) Sound Medicine is described as an emerging form of sound technology designed to create brainwave shifts. The brain has been shown to resonate at the same frequency as the binaural beats rhythm. Binaural means “both ears,” and binaural beats are created by presenting slightly different frequencies to each ear. What results is a pulse in the brain that is the difference between the two frequencies...the perception of a third tone. This third tone is called a binaural beat. Binaural beats are said to provide many of the same benefits as meditation and can lower stress, increase focus, aid with sleep and relaxation, boost mood, and foster creativity. Therefore, Sound Medicine is the therapeutic application of listening to binaural beats music with the intention of reducing stress and bringing the listener into a state of harmony, balance, and well-being.
Sound Medicine is considered part of the field of Complementary & Alternative Medicine, and therefore, is considered outside of traditional Western Medicine approaches to health and wellness. Although Sound Medicine appears to have promising health benefits and there is a growing amount of valid scientific research indicating that Sound Medicine meets the criteria to be considered an evidence-based technology, especially for managing stress, Sound Medicine has yet to be thoroughly accepted by the mainstream Western academic, medical, and psychological communities. Consequently, Sound Medicine is currently not officially identified as an evidence-based technology and may be considered experimental. Due to the experimental nature of Sound Medicine and because it is a relatively new wellness approach and the extent of Sound Medicine’s effectiveness, as well as its risks and benefits are not fully known, you agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with your use of any content and/or information presented on this website. Sound Medicine is self-regulated and, therefore, is not subject to licensure and is considered to be a complementary and alternative wellness approach.
Although Complementary & Alternative Medicine and Sound Medicine uses the term “medicine”, it is not to be construed that the use of Sound Medicine is the practice of medicine, psychotherapy, or any other licensed health care practice. Therefore, any information presented on this website about Sound Medicine is not intended to represent that it is used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is Sound Medicine intended as a substitute for seeking licensed health care advice and services. Sound Medicine, LLC strongly advises that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision about using Sound Medicine, including, if you have a seizure disorder or heart condition that you check with your licensed health care provider before using Sound Medicine.
Transmission of the information presented on this website is not intended to create and receipt does not constitute any professional relationship between Elizabeth Krasnoff, PhD and the visitor and should not be relied upon as medical, psychological, or other professional advice of any kind or nature. While Elizabeth Krasnoff has a PhD in Transformative Studies and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies and is a leading expert and researcher of binaural beats technology, she is not a licensed health care provider.
Any information, including without limitation, music tracks, publications, podcasts, videos, blog posts, social media postings, or testimonials, presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using any material contained herein for any particular purpose or issue. While all materials and other resources and links are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed. Sound Medicine, LLC, accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website.
By viewing this website, you agree to forever fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Sound Medicine, LLC its owner(s), member(s), employees, representatives, independent contractors, consultants, and others associated with Sound Medicine, LLC from any claim or liability and for any damage or injury of whatsoever kind or nature which you may incur arising at any time out of or in relation to your use of the contents and/or information presented on this website. If any court of law rules that any part of the Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.
Sound Medicine is a registered trademark owned by Elizabeth Krasnoff, PhD and may only be used with written permission from Elizabeth Krasnoff, PhD.
© 2023 Sound Medicine, LLC. This website contains copyrighted material (all rights reserved). You may not duplicate, screen grab, modify, copy, in whole or in part, publish, post on Facebook or other social media sites, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, create derivative works from, distribute, display, or reproduce, or in any way exploit in any format whatsoever any of the information, music tracks, videos, blog articles, or any other content presented on this website unless specifically permitted to do so my Sound Medicine, LLC. No part of this Disclaimer may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, without permission in writing from Midge Murphy, midgemurphy.com
By continuing to explore this website, you represent you have read, understand and agree to all of the above.