Sound Medicine® Workshop:

Ease Your Stress
2400 Bridgeway Suite 290 Sausalito
Workshop: Sound Healing ~ Ease Your Stress
Saturday, January 18
Time 10am-1pm/With Optional 2-5pm
Fee: $50 morning/$50 afternoon
Check/cash at workshop or prepay via PayPal
Elizabeth Krasnoff MIM, PhD student
*Each attendee receives Elizabeth's recent album "Desert Journey"
Do you experience any stress?
After a morning review of the current sound research we will use sound, meditation and biofeedback to practice stress management. It's hard to tune yourself when you don't know what being tuned up feels like. Using these methods, I will share with you how to tune your nervous system. The nervous system is the core of our conscious beingness as humans. Sound Medicine®, meditation and biofeedback techniques calm our stressed-out nervous systems.
In the afternoon, as a group we will experience a Sound Medicine® session. We will start with 20 minutes of sound alignment to create a receptive state. Then we will use Heartmath ® biofeedback software to see on the screen the visual process of calming the nervous system. We will find the right tools for each individual and visually confirm their progress. That "in tune" visual confirmation moment has a feeling that can be memorized and recalled and restored at any time.
We will explore the following techniques:
Sound Vibration-Toning with a crystal bowl-Tuning with your own vocals, such as humming, chanting or singing-Vibroacoustics-Listening to music/adding binaural beats to synchronize the left and right brain hemispheres-How to select frequencies which put you in a desired brain state (delta, theta, alpha, beta or gamma)
Meditation-Intuition Medicine ®: Life Force, Grounding, Meditation Sanctuary, State of Grace love, gratitude and compassion, Breathing.
Wear comfortable clothes, bring comfortable resting items like sheepskins, and bring any sound tools/recordings that you currently use. Even your travel neck pillow that vibrates counts!