CONSCIOUSNESS ...Please Come To Our Online Conference This Coming Saturday

Exploring the Nature of Consciousness through Research and Scholarship
Conference 2020
The Society for Consciousness Studies Annual Conference is this Saturday, Dec. 5th! It runs from 8:50AM Pacific Time to around 5:30PM.
Elizabeth is on at 3:45PM
Attendance is FREE. Learn more:
Here's the current schedule:
8:50 - Gathering and Welcome
9:00 - Kiran Kumar Salagame, Towards bridging the two streams of knowledge on the Primacy of consciousness
9:45 - Marcus T Anthony, Embodied Presence and Responsible Active Citizenship in the Age of Dissent
10:10 - Peter Fenwick, The Changes in Consciousness Surrounding Death
10:35 - Alethea Nerad, Feminine Consciousness and the Wisdom of the Heart
11:00 - Allan Leslie Combs and Stanley Krippner An informal dialogue between Allan Combs and Stanley Krippner about their personal experiences and the growth of consciousness studies over the years.
12:05 - Jeffery A. Martin, A Year of Breakthroughs in Persistent Non-Symbolic Consciousness Research
12:40 - Marilyn Schlitz, Aging and Transformation: A Naturalistic Model for Awakening to Life’s Third Act
1:00 - Short break, gathering and welcome back
1:15 - Debby Flickinger and Martha Brumbaugh, The Emergence of Integral Consciousness: The Miracles that Weave together Caritas Process™ #10 and Cross-Cultural Shamanic Practice
1:40 - Pratibha Gramann, Cosmic Motivational Psychology
2:05 - Miloslava Kozmová, Metacognition in Non-Lucid Dreaming So Far Exists Without Neural Correlates
2:30 - Stephan Schwartz, America, Consciousness and the Covid-19 Pandemic: What Have We Learned?
2:55 - Barbara Karlsen, The Human Body in Sympoiesis with Nature and Cosmos: Towards an Emergent Ontogenesis with the Cosmos
3:20 - Michael Jawer, Sentience as the Precursor of Consciousness and the Key to Panpsychism
3:45 - Elizabeth W. Krasnoff, Effects of Auditory Binaural Beats on Consciousness and the Human Nervous System
4:10 - Ed Sareth, Intimations of an Improvisation-based Ontology
4:35 - Elizabeth Stephens, Findings from a Multi-group Study of Nondual Claimants
5:00 - President's talk and closing
All are welcome, and you can feel free to send the above link to anyone you'd like, post it on social media, and so on. We have capacity for up to 500 participants, so seats are first come, first served.
Here are the connection details:
Meeting ID: 829 1807 3147
Passcode: 326979
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Meeting ID: 829 1807 3147
Passcode: 326979
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