Society for Consciousness Studies Conference 12/2021

The 2021 annual conference of the Society for Consciousness Studies will be held online, December 18th, from 9am to 5:30pm ET.
"I had the privilege of attending Dr. Elizabeth W. Krasnoff’s presentation “Igniting the Wisdom of Feminine Consciousness,” co-presented with Dr. Debby Flickinger (UIU) and Alethea Nerad (CIIS), at the Society for Consciousness Studies’ virtual conference on December 18, 2021. The presentation, which emphasized the healing, unifying, and consciousness-expanding potential of feminine attributes like receptivity, acceptance, self-reflection, and holistic awareness, was itself healing, enlivening, and elevating. It encouraged and fostered deep listening and reminded us of the beauty and necessity of compassion, community-building, and collective and integrative thinking. Ursula K. Le Guin writes that “[h]earing is integrative; it unifies”; this is what I felt as Dr Krasnoff spoke, a deep sense of unity and universal empathy."
Dr. Shoshannah Bryn Jones Square
Research Affiliate, University of Manitoba Institute for the Humanities
Elizabeth will be presenting a discussion (@ 11 AM, EST) with two female colleagues on feminine consciousness, “Igniting the wisdom of feminine consciousness: A conversation with three women scholars”, highlighting her experience of bringing conscious feminine qualities into the powerful structures of masculinity that surround and instruct us.
The conference is FREE to attend, and can be accessed via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 825 5300 7181
Passcode: 924742
One tap mobile: +19294362866,,82553007181#,,,,*924742# US (New York)
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The all-star lineup for this year is:
- Dr. Marcus T Anthony (BIT), Embodiment, classical intuition and the future of the Metaverse
- Dr. Thomas Brophy (CIHS), Presentation Title: Property Dualism A-Theory as a path through the Hard Problem
- Dr. Deepak Chopra (UCSD), Metaverse and the Construction of Everyday Reality
- Dr. Allan Combs (CIIS), Collective Consciousness: An Evolutionary Future
- Dr. Peter Fenwick (KCL), TBA
- Dr. Debby Flickinger (TUIU) & Dr. Martha Brumbaugh (Edge of Lemuria), Caring Sustainability and the Coming Together of Consciousness and Social Justice
- Dr. Martin Hilbert (UCD), Digitally Immunity: preliminary results on consciousness against digital harms
- Dr. Elizabeth W. Krasnoff (CIHS), Dr. Debby Flickinger (TUIU), & Alethea Nerad (CIIS) Igniting the wisdom of feminine consciousness: A conversation with three women scholars
- Dr. Sanjay Manchanda (CSNSC, CIHS), Producing Altered States with Electromagnetic Modulation of Brain Function
- Dr. Jeffery A. Martin (CSNSC, CIHS, Stanford) The Martin Matrix, a Comprehensive Map of Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience
- Dr. Jacqueline Senator (Guidewithin), A Study of Lucid Awareness within Dreaming Consciousness
- Dr. John Steven Torday, (UCLA), Symbiogenesis, the ‘Missing Link’ Between Physics and Evolution
- Dr. Gino Yu (HKPU), Developing a Common Framework and Vernacular for Personal Development
- Annemiek Meyer (CSNSC, CIHS), The Nature of Nondual Consciousness: A Thematic Analysis of the Lived Experiences of Awakened Individuals
The Society for Consciousness Studies is a professional scholarly organization that honors work of quality from any authentic scholarly tradition. The purpose of the organization is to bring together scholars and academic researchers interested in sharing ideas and approaches to the study of consciousness, with a preference for new paradigmatic approaches. The Society provides a safe and brave space for researchers to share cutting edge theories and findings.
9:00am, Marcus T Anthony (BIT), Embodiment, classical intuition and the future of the Metaverse
9:30am, Gino Yu (HKPU), Developing a Common Framework and Vernacular for Personal Development
10:00am, Martin Hilbert (UCD), Digitally Immunity: preliminary results on consciousness against digital harms
10:30am, Peter Fenwick (UCL), Shining New Light on Death
11:00am, Elizabeth W. Krasnoff (CIHS), Debby Flickinger (UIU), and Alethea Nerad (CIIS), Igniting the wisdom of feminine consciousness: A conversation with three women scholars
11:30am, Andrew Newberg (TJU), Neurotheology and the Exploration of Consciousness: Latest Findings
12Noon, John Steven Torday (UCLA), Symbiogenesis, the ‘Missing Link’ Between Physics and Evolution
12:30pm, Debby Flickinger (UIU) and Martha Brumbaugh (Edge of Lemuria), Caring Sustainability™ and the Coming Together of Consciousness and Social Justice
1:00pm, Jacqueline Senator (Guidewithin), A Study of Lucid Awareness within Dreaming Consciousness
1:30pm, Thomas Brophy (CIHS), Property Dualism A-Theory as a path through the Hard Problem
2:00pm, Allan Leslie Combs (CIIS), Collective Consciousness: An Evolutionary Future
2:30pm, Sanjay Manchanda (CSNSC, CIHS), Producing Altered States with Electromagnetic Modulation of Brain Function
3:00pm, Deepak Chopra (UCSD), Metaverse and the Construction of Everyday Reality
4:00pm, Jeffery A. Martin (CSNSC, CIHS, Stanford), The Martin Matrix, a Comprehensive Map of Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience
5:00pm, Annemiek Meyer (CSNSC, CIHS), The Nature of Nondual Consciousness: A Thematic Analysis of the Lived Experiences of Awakened Individuals
5:30pm, Jeffery A. Martin (CSNSC, CIHS, Stanford) and Ari Berwaldt (CSNSC), No Evidence of Spiritual Transmission in a 7 Week Online Experiment
6:00pm, Closing Remarks by Society President, Thomas Brophy